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UE4 - HALF LIFE: London - 3D Game Environment

Our MA Group Project for Escape Studios, FPS Environment running in Unreal Engine 4.
The setting is a Resistance Base in the Thames Docklands after the Combine takeover of Earth around the time of the events of Half Life 2 in mainland Europe.
Credit to my teammates on this project. Check out:

Dock Cranes

Dock Cranes



Resistance Hideout

Resistance Hideout

RiverBed Entry

RiverBed Entry

Overhead Buildings

Overhead Buildings

Headcrab Cannister Landing Site

Headcrab Cannister Landing Site

Bridge to the Thames

Bridge to the Thames

Riverbed View

Riverbed View

HALF LIFE: London - Video Sequence

Thames Barrier Concept

Thames Barrier Concept

Thames Riverbed Citadel Concept (Which we chose)

Thames Riverbed Citadel Concept (Which we chose)

Thames Barrier Harbour Concept

Thames Barrier Harbour Concept